Friday, December 19, 2008

Parties, Parties, Parties!

My sweet girlfriends, Whitney and Katie, had a Big Brother Party for Mason. The guests brought books for Mason and Hudson to share. Then Katie and Whitney had cupcakes, juice and goldfish for the Mommy's and kiddos. It was so much fun! Thanks girls!

Here we are trying to get a good shot of the Mommy's and kids. Not too bad, right?

Then we had snow! Can you believe it? Mason loved getting all bundled up and playing in the snow with Daddy. Scott would throw a snowball at him and he couldn't figure out what happened to it when it hit the ground. We could barely get him to come in after we finally let him go outside to play.

Then we had a Christmas Party with all of our friends from Austin. Amy and Trey had us over for yummy treats, games and just plain 'ol fun!

And finally, Mason had his Christmas party at school on Wednesday. The kids iced and decorated sugar cookies, then ate them of course! Then they had their Christmas program yesterday. It was quite an ordeal for 2-4 year olds to try and hold their attention to do a play.
I hope you all are getting in the Christmas spirit! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

The Wests said...

So fun; great pictures and good times!