Saturday, October 3, 2009

Morning with my boys

Yummy Sweet Potato Pancakes from the Deceptively Delicious cookbook.

Mason "cooking" up his desserts.

Hudson eating his "food" rather than "cooking."

It's just me and the boys this weekend, so we decided to make Mason's favorite for breakfast this morning....Sweet Potato Pancakes. Mason helped me get them ready, then both boys "cooked" while I finished up the cooking. Hudson got to try pancakes for the first time this morning and LOVED them, too. I think these are going to become a staple in our house. Since they do have about 3/4 of a sweet potato in them, I don't feel bad about pancakes for breakfast. They are getting in their veggies, right?!?


katie newton said...

Are you trying to make me feel bad for going to Shipley's instead??? Veggies in your pancakes- you are one good mommy! :):) Hope you had a great weekend with your boys!!!

Rikki said...

What a good mommy-- those pancakes sound amazing! I hope you a fun "mommy and me" weekend!

The Wests said...

What a good mama-pancakes and veggies!