Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hudson's Dedication

This Sunday Hudson was dedicated at church. So many of our family and friends came to support us in promising to raise our baby boy in the church and to teach him about God. I didn't get as many pictures from the day as I would have liked, but here are the best ones that I came out with.

Mason and Daddy were playing after the church service. Our family and friends came over, too, to enjoy a brunch to celebrate our little Hudson.

Miss Renee did a great job during the service. She even included Mason in the service, which he thought was really special.

Nanny and Hudson were cuddling together after church. He was pretty worn out after a full morning at church and visiting with friends. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends that joined us Sunday. You really helped make it a special day for our family!

1 comment:

The Wests said...

How special! And how much do we love Miss Renee?! Love the monkeys on the blog!