Thursday, February 19, 2009

Take a Look

After living in our house a little over a year, I finally got the pictures put up above our bed of my sweet boys and a fun, family picture of our feet. I have found an amazing photographer in town, Stephanie Lee of Lee Street Photography. She has done an incredible job photographing Mason for his two-year pictures, as well as Hudson's newborn pics. If you are looking for someone to capture special moments for your family, I highly recommend her! I love it, so I just wanted to pass it along.


katie newton said...

Ohhh, LOVE IT!!!!! It looks great kim! :) Nicely done. And the pics of the boys you posted... Hudson looks like he is changing every day! So precious and beautiful!! So glad you're a mom of two now!!! :):)

Phyllis French-Kelly said...

Kim- Awesome!!!! I love the feet. Too fun. Hudson is getting bigger. In the one picture he doesn't look like a newbie anymore. Time for another!!!! Jokeing.