Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July Fun!

It's been a while since I posted last, but lots has been going on. We went to a family reunion at the lake and Mason rode the jet ski with Daddy. He liked sitting on it while it wasn't moving a little better than when he was moving across the lake. But he looks like a pro already, doesn't he?

We have also been hanging out with our friends. We went to dinner at On the Border with the Wests. Mason and Waverley entertained each other while the adults got to visit a bit.

Then, Phyllis and Tyler came over to play one afternoon. Tyler and Mason played cars and rolled the ball around for a while. They had a blast!

This past weekend we took Mason to the Austin Children's Museum. He LOVED it! He was running from one exhibit to another. He couldn't decide which one to look at first. Scott and Mason both enjoyed watching the washers twist down and make lots of noise at this exhibit.

Mason also got to play vet with a puppy that looked like Cash. Also in this exhibit was a station that let you listen to the heartbeats of different animals. It was really cute!

Another exhibit Mason enjoyed was the gears. The gears were on huge magnets so you could move them around to make different configurations, then test them out. He spent quite a while working at this station. He is quite a little thinker!
This week my little cousins are here helping me with Mason. They have been such a huge help so far. Right now they are in his room reading to him and playing with Play-Doh. It is so nice to have such wonderful family that will spend their time helping others. Thanks Lainie and Rachel! Love ya!


The Wests said...

What a cute pic of the kiddos! And I'm glad you gave the Children's Museum a try; it's so fun.

Shepard said...

He is adorable and growing up so fast! It seems like just a few weeks ago we were watching him in his bouncer. We can't wait to see you guys soon. Give that sweet little boy a hug from us!
Love, Leah

Anonymous said...

Cute pics of Mason! I just noticed your lilypie countdown- you're pregnant!? Congrats!! How exciting! Hope you are feeling good and enjoying your pregnancy.