Saturday, February 16, 2008


Okay, so I am going to try to blog about our growing little boy! I am new at this, so hang in there.

Mason is almost 15 months old and he is on the go all of the time. Although he is not walking, he can scoot anywhere in no time flat. This week he wore a hole in the bottom of his pants! His favorite phrase is "Uh-Oh!" Accompanying this phrase is his milk being thrown to the floor, crayons thrown down, food on the floor, you get the picture. Mason is saying so many words and trying to repeat everything Scott and I say. We now have to be very careful! He can say mama, dada, dog, drink, snack, banana, please, thank you, out, back, ball, puzzle, horse, Dodie, PeeWee, Nana, Papa, Gigi ( for Aunt Kara, not sure where he got that one). And there are more!

I will try to figure out how to post pictures this afternoon!

1 comment:

The Wests said...

Yay Kim! Way to blog. See ya soon.